Kayaking Płonia River

Plonia River - kayak trail in Szczecin

The Płonia River is compared by canoeists to the Drawa River. Apart from the huge Lake Miedwie, through which Plonia river flows, on the route of canoeing trail you can see many interesting tourist attractions, watermills and admire the beautiful nature surrounding the river up to its estuary in Lake Dabie.
The best time to kayak down the Plonia River is early spring and early summer when the crystal clear water and lush greenery surrounding its banks gives it incredible charm and beauty. 

Stages, one-day canoeing routes on the Płonia River:

  • Zelewo - Jezierzyce - 10 km, time of paddling about 3-4 hours.
  • Kolbacz - Jezierzyce - 6 km, time of paddling about 2 h.
  • Kolbacz - Szczecin Dabie - 15 km, time of paddling about6-7 hours.
  • Jezierzyce - Szczecin Dabie - 9 km, time of paddling about 4-5 h.
Kayaks Poland kayak torus in Poland kayak rental Poland kayaking Szczecin kayaking routes near Stetin or German where to go kayaking kayaks Stetin Plonia river canoeing in Poland

The most popular offer of canoeing trips down the Plonia River

One-day rafting on the Plonia River with transportation

Route Difficultis Lenght Duration Price per person
Jezierzyce-Szczecin Dąbie easy in some places difficult 11 km 3-4 h 50 PLN*

* with a group of at least 10 people

The route of the one-day kayaking trip down the Płonia River: Jezierzyce-Szczecin Dąbie 11 km

Two-person kayak rental price list 

Kayak rental time Price per kayak
over 7 days 30 PLN
5-6 days 35 PLN
3-4 days 40 PLN
2 days 45 PLN
1 day 50 PLN
waterproof case 
for phone, documents
free of charge
Transportation of kayaks according to the table for individual rivers, and in
other cases at the rate
2,5 PLN per km

Table of kayak transportation costs

Destination Price
Jezierzyce  250 PLN
Szczecin Dabie 250 PLN
Kolbacz 290 PLN
Miedwie 290 PLN


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Empfohlene Kajakrouten

Kanufahrt auf der Rega Among many kayakers, Rega is considered to be one of the most attractive rivers in West Pomerania. The fourth longest river in Poland, which flows directly into the Baltic Sea, makes it extremely attractive especially for those who appreciate the proximity of wildlife and diverse character of the river during rafting.

Preis: from 40 PLN/person
Schwierigkeit: easy some difficult
Routen: 11
Länge: 9-36 km


Kayaking Drawa River Drawa is one of the most beautiful kayaking trails in Poland. Clean water, picturesque lakes and diverse river sections attract kayaking enthusiasts from all over Poland. The Drawa is neither too difficult nor too burdensome, although there are mountainous sharks, obstacles and blockages, as well as trees sunk across the riverbed.

Preis: from 40 PLN/person
Schwierigkeit: easy some difficult
Routen: 10
Länge: 10-35 km


Kayaking Ina River Ina is one of the most picturesque and interesting rivers in the West Pomeranian Lakeland visited by kayakers. The most popular and most visited kayaking routes are located near Goleniów and Sowno. Despite its natural values, it is not as crowded by tourists as other local rivers.

Preis: from 40 PLN/person
Schwierigkeit: easy
Routen: 5
Länge: 9-30 km
